Get Writing tips – the daily discipline

Image: get writing- the daily disciplineThe BBC used to have an educational site called Get Writing, no longer live but some of the content migrated into BBC Writers’ Room.

Get Writing was a fantastic resource for aspiring writers and would regularly post tips, exercises and how-to’s from renowned authors. One of these concerned the discipline of writing regularly.

The first exercise is to get into the habit of writing regularly, either in longhand or straight onto computer. Consider when, where, and for how long you could write (even if just for fifteen minutes) on a regular basis – daily is best. And then just go for it. Don’t censor yourself. The important thing is to keep going.
BBC Get Writing: First Steps

For anyone hoping to produce a book, that daily discipline is an essential step. Writing is like a muscle that needs to be exercised and trained; after all, you wouldn’t expect to turn up as a first time marathon runner and expect a painless twenty-six miles.

The little-and-often approach is a reliable way to build up a body of work – even if you also have a tendency to take weekends off for an intensive writing-bender, you’ll find the discipline of those micro-sessions every day of the week help to get you organised, thinking critically and in the right head space to do your best work over an extended period.

Write once a month – you’re an aspiring writer. Write every day – you are a writer.